The environmental education program is key to generating awareness in people for the conservation of natural resources.
Grupos de adultos mayores encuentran paz y tranquilidad al visitar Natuwa.
Here in NATUWA, we had the pleasure of enjoying a trail tour from a group of friendly, elderly people from Esparza de Puntarenas.
The ladies and gentlemen were amazed to see the colorful macaws and to be in the presence of the imposing JAGUAR.
“You know that animal?” Asks the headmistress.
“Of course!! Is El Tigre !!!”, they responded with great admiration.
“We experienced a nice day…”

Third arrival today. The Puntarenas Police rescued a Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) in the hands of hunters. There were three animals and two died, possibly suffocated as they were transported in a bag without sufficient air holes for respiration. We thank the officers that we were able to liberate at least one of them.
Today arrived a Fiery-billed Aracari (Pteroglossus frantzii), thanks to MINAE officials. The Aracari was found injured in the Costa Montaña hotel of the Central Pacific. Soon it will return to its place of origin.