Publication and Transparency Policies

Welcome to our Publication Policies page. In this section, we provide you with detailed information on how we handle and publish content on our website. Our priority is to provide accurate, relevant, and high-quality information to our users. Please take a moment to review our policies below:

Commitment to Quality

Our main commitment is to offer quality content that is informative, accurate, and valuable to our readers. Before publishing any article, we ensure it is carefully reviewed and verified by our team of experts.

Attribution and Sources

We value the integrity and credibility of information. We always cite sources properly and strive to link to reliable and verifiable sources. If you come across any content that you believe needs corrections or updates, feel free to contact us.

Originality and Copyright

We pledge to respect copyright and publish original content. We do not publish material that violates the intellectual property rights of others. We always appropriately attribute content created by others and obtain necessary permissions when required.

Comment Moderation

We value reader engagement through comments. However, we reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are offensive, defamatory, spam, or irrelevant to the discussion. We aim for constructive and respectful comments.

Updates and Corrections

Our intention is to keep information up-to-date and accurate. If you find incorrect information in one of our articles, we appreciate your feedback and will correct any errors promptly.

Collaborations and Contributions

If you’re interested in contributing content to our website, we invite you to contact us. We will review your proposals and ensure they meet our standards of quality and relevance before publication.

Procedures and Animal Care

At Natuwa, our commitment to animal welfare is fundamental. Every procedure and care related to the animals we house is carried out following rigorous guidelines and under the supervision of wildlife experts. Our philosophy of animal management adheres to the laws and regulations of Costa Rica, as well as the highest international standards of animal care.

Experienced Professionals Each procedure involving our animals is supervised and executed by highly trained wildlife professionals, including veterinarians, biologists, and Natural Resource Managers. These experts have extensive experience in the management, care, and conservation of wildlife.

Leadership and Support Our Sanctuary Director, Rodolfo Orozco Vega, has dedicated over two decades to daily work with wildlife. His experience and commitment are essential to ensure that every decision made at the sanctuary aligns with our mission of conservation and animal welfare. Additionally, we surround ourselves with a team of professionals and have the support of both local and international universities to maintain the highest standards.

Visitor Entry Policies Our goal is to provide an educational and enriching experience to our visitors while safeguarding both the animals and the integrity of those who visit us. Please note the following policies during your visit:

Do Not Touch the Animals: We respect the animals’ nature and space. Please refrain from touching or attempting to physically interact with them.

Do Not Feed the Animals: The diet of our animals is carefully supervised by experts. Feeding animals unauthorized food can jeopardize their health.

No Flash Photography: The use of flash can stress animals and affect their well-being. We ask that you avoid using flash when photographing animals.

Stay on Designated Paths: To preserve the natural habitats of our animals and ensure your safety, please stay on established trails during your tour.

No Littering: Help us keep the sanctuary clean and safe. Please take any trash with you and make sure to dispose of it in designated bins.

Respect for the Environment: Keep your voice down and avoid smoking or speaking loudly at animal stations. This helps create a peaceful and respectful environment for all.

Safety and Biosafety Protocols: Our commitment to safety is paramount. We have occupational safety and biosafety protocols in place to protect both the animals and our visitors.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these policies during your visit to Natuwa. Your respect for these rules not only ensures the safety of everyone but also contributes to the conservation and well-being of wildlife.

Ownership / Funding Information Owners and Founders: NATUWA was founded in 1994 by Minor Mora Barrantes and Rodolfo Orozco Vega, both Costa Rican by birth. Their shared vision led to the acquisition of this property for the sole purpose of preserving and protecting wildlife and their associated ecosystems. Their commitment to conservation has been the driving force behind all activities and programs developed at NATUWA.

Funding and Support: Our organization is funded through various sources, including private donations, collaborations with international conservation organizations, and support from local and international universities. This funding is essential to continue our operations and expand our wildlife conservation efforts.

NATUWA Editorial Principles

What We Write About At NATUWA, we are committed to creating content that highlights the importance of biodiversity, conservation, and animal welfare. Our content focuses on informing, educating, and raising awareness about the challenges facing wildlife and how we can all contribute to their protection.

Who We Write For

Our content is aimed at a broad audience, ranging from nature enthusiasts and students to researchers and wildlife lovers. We aim to inspire all ages and levels of knowledge to understand and appreciate the natural richness around us.

Why We Write

At NATUWA, we believe that education and awareness are crucial for successful conservation. We write to empower people with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and play an active role in biodiversity protection.

Active Response Policy Collection and Response to Requests

 We value interaction with our audience and strive to actively respond to questions, comments, and inquiries we receive. We are committed to transparency and open communication.

Audience Interaction

We encourage participation and dialogue within our community. We respond through our social media, email, and other communication channels. We aim to provide accurate and helpful information to enhance the experience of our followers.

Correction Policy Error Resolution

At NATUWA, we are committed to the accuracy and integrity of the information we provide. If errors are identified in our content, Director Rodolfo Orozco Vega, with his extensive knowledge in natural and human resource management, is responsible for reviewing and correcting any mistakes. We strive to ensure our audience receives accurate and reliable information.

Ethical Policy Standards of Conduct

At NATUWA, we expect both our staff and our publications to adhere to the highest ethical standards. We promote respect, empathy, and integrity in all our interactions and content. We do not tolerate the promotion of political, religious, racial beliefs, or any form of discrimination.

Diversity Policy Commitment to Diversity

At NATUWA, we celebrate and value diversity in all its forms. Our content and employment practices reflect a commitment to inclusion and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs.

Staff Diversity

We prioritize hiring individuals from local communities and Costa Rican families. We believe that empowering local people to understand and value biodiversity enriches both their lives and their environment.

Graphic and Photographic Content

At NATUWA, we believe in the power of images to convey powerful messages and raise awareness about the importance of conservation and nature care. Our graphic and photographic content aims to inspire and educate our visitors and followers, promoting greater respect and understanding of biodiversity and the natural world around us.

Focus and Purpose

Our graphic content is created with a specific focus on education and awareness. We do not use images with offensive intent or that undermine the dignity of any person or group. All images have the purpose of illustrating relevant messages related to conservation, animal welfare, and biodiversity.

Originality and Authenticity

To ensure authenticity and alignment with our mission, all photographs used in our graphic content are taken at the NATUWA site itself. We capture images of the animals we house and the habitats they live in, reflecting the reality of our conservation efforts.

Editing and Production

Our photographs and graphics are produced and edited by an in-house team of graphic designers and NATUWA workers. This allows us to maintain full control over the content we share, ensuring that each image accurately reflects our message and values.

Usage Agreements

We respect the rights of other sanctuaries and conservation organizations. If at any point we decide to use images from other sites in our graphic content, we will do so only after obtaining mutual agreement and consent between both parties. This ensures ethical and respectful use of images.

Creating Awareness

We believe that images have the power to create an emotional and lasting connection with nature. Through our photos and graphics, we seek to inspire people to value and protect biodiversity and to take action to ensure a sustainable future for all forms of life on our planet.

At NATUWA, we take pride in using graphic content as an effective tool to communicate our conservation mission and vision. We hope these images inspire our visitors and followers to join us in our efforts to preserve and protect the natural wealth we share.

Contact If you have any questions or concerns related to our publication policies, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected] with Rodolfo Orozco Vega and Mainor Mora Barrantes.

We thank you for visiting our Publication Policies page and for your interest in our content.

Your trust is important to us, and we continually work to provide the best possible experience for our users.